Indo Trampoline Scooter Bar Replacement, Silver trampoline scooters INDO Indo Trampoline Scooter Bar Replacement, Silver trampoline scooters INDO Indo Trampoline Scooter Bar Replacement, Silver Complete Scooters INDO

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Indo Trampoline Scooter Bar Replacement, Silver

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Indo Trampoline Scooter Bar Replacement, Silver


Struggling to find enough clearance between your Indo Trampoline Scooter deck and the grips?

Then use this bar riser to add a bit more room to maneuver on. The stem here is, like the on the complete Indo Trampoline Scooter, made from lightweight aluminum.

  • Remember to re-use the hardware that connects the top of the bar to mount it to this extender
  • This will ensure you a good 4" (10cm) of clearance extra

Bar material:Aluminum 6061Bar height:670mm